'Lajos, Toldy' tlaloc-Y8qEzhMunLyT9ig0jae3mg@public.gmane.org [AltCompFreeware]
2014-10-17 02:12:24 UTC
RadioMaximus v1.85 - 17861 KB
RadioMaximus allows you to listen to and record radio stations from
around the world.
Key Features
- Listen to and record multiple stations simultaneously
- Listen to and record mp3 tracks on demand
- Listen to Lastfm stations (Lastfm account required)
- Create a schedule for automatic recording
- Save songs as bookmarks
- Shows station logos
- Portable version available
- Free
******************** HUNGARIAN / MAGYAR ********************
A RadioMaximus egy rádióvevö szoftver, mellyel a világ összes rádiója
meghallgatható, az adásokról hangfelvétel készithetö, a hangfelvételek
készitése elöre beállitható, a zeneszámokhoz pedig linkek készithetök.
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portable - 17861 KB:

RarmaRadio v2.69 - 11201 KB
RarmaRadio allows you to listen to and record radio stations from around
the world.
Powered by a world class radio directory it has everything you need for
a wonderful listening experience.
Recording is available in many formats - including mp3, wma and ogg.
******************** HUNGARIAN / MAGYAR ********************
A RarmaRadio lehetövé teszi a világ összes rádióállomásának hallgatását,
az adások idözitését, és az adásokról hangfelvételek készitését MP3, WMA
vagy OGG formátumban.
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Tales Animator v3.01 - 27905 KB
DollySoft is the home of the best software animator for kids and their
parents. It's name is Tales Animator. Your kids can animate their
favorite fairy tales easily. You can animate your presentations. You do
not need to be an artist. Just screenplay is needed. Moreover, Tales
Animator is FREE!
Basic set of cartoons heroes is provided with the program and they can
be easily used in your animations. You can create you custom heroes for
fully customized animations as well. Your cartoons can be exported as
avi files by using your favorite video codec.
True object-oriented cartoons development. But you do not need to have
any experience in programming. Screenplay is to be presented in very
simple format and Tales Animator will animate it for you.
No third-party tools needed. Full cartoons can be developed with titles,
balloons and sound. Text-to-speech engine and sound samples can be used.
Mouth movements are well synchronized with the speech.
Tales Animator is an outdated and unsupported software by Web Cartoon
Maker, SP (ex. DollySoft). You can download it here and use at your own
risk. The latest version is 3.01 which has 3D features and green screen
chromakeying. All extra files still available through integrated web
browser. It is recommented to use Web Cartoon Maker instead of Tales
******************** HUNGARIAN / MAGYAR ********************
A Tales Animator egy animáció készitö szoftver, mellyel a gyerekek is
animálni tudják kedvenc meséiket, de animálni lehet a prezentációkat is
anélkül, hogy müvészek lennénk. Csak forgatókönyvre van szükség. A
program teljesen ingyenes.
A program alapból tartalmaz karikatúrákat, hösöket, és ezek könnyen
használhatóak az animációinkban. De létrehozhatunk teljesen új, egyéni
alakokat is, és valódi objektum-orientált rajzfilmeket fejleszthetünk
vele. Teljes rajzfilmeket lehet fejleszteni címekkel, lfelbukkanó
szövegekkel és hanggal. A szövegfelolvasó motorok és hangminták is
használhatók szinkronban a szájmozgással.
A Tales Animator mára egy elavult és nem támogatott szoftver, helyette a
Web Cartoon Maker lett kifejlesztve, de a letölthetö Tales Animator már
3D funkciókat is tartalmaz.,
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sound of midi files - 24874 KB:

Tapin Radio v1.60.1 - 13048 KB
TapinRadio is a simple internet radio player.
Key Features
- Quick in memory search
- Many stations
- Scheduled recording possible
- Portable version available
- Free (not available backup favorites, multiple instances, advanced
scheduler, station listing weekly updated)
for Windows XP/Vista/W7/W8
******************** HUNGARIAN / MAGYAR ********************
A Tapin Radio egy ingyenes rádióvevo" és lejátszó program internetes
adásokhoz. Sok adóállomást kezel, lehet rögziteni az adásokat és van
telepitést nem igénylö verziója is.
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portable - 12963 KB:
windows 8 version - 24001+23909 KB:

Web Cartoon Maker v1.5 - 6620 KB
Web Cartoon Maker started as a simple online tool for making animated
cartoons in 2010. And now this is a fully standalone desktop
application! It is 100% freeware with no ads or limitations! And we are
talking about full length animated movies in AVI format which can be
converted to DVD or blu-ray or uploaded to youtube in HD format, not
just 3-4 seconds long animated gifs. Web Cartoon Maker supports vector
graphics and the quality of your cartoons will not degrade when you
decide to resize them.
Web Cartoon Maker is not your ordinary animation tool. Most of the
animation tools pretend to be so called "WYSIWYG" (What You See Is What
You Get). Contraversary, Web Cartoon Maker is a compiler which compiles
simple C++ scripts into animated cartoons. Some of you may be scared
thinking that you need to be a programmer. Well, you do not need to.
- Web Cartoon Maker now has one more speech engine called "eSpeak".
Before that WCM used either MS SAPI4, MS SAPI5 or internal speech
engine. But Windows 7 and above does not support MS SAPI4 (with tons of
great voices). Support for MS SAPI5 is also weak on 64 bit systems. And
internal speech engine is not any good. All these engines are still
supported by WCM and actually used by default. eSpeak is not as good as
MS SAPI4/5. But it is small, it sounds exactly the same on different
systems and it supports tons of different languages: af Afrikaans, bs
Bosnian, ca Catalan, cs Czech, cy Welsh, da Danish, de German, el Greek,
eo Esperanto, es Spanish, es-la Spanish - Latin America, fi Finnish, fr
French, grc Ancient Greek, hi Hindi, hr Croatian, hu Hungarian, hy
Armenian, id Indonesian, is Icelandic, it Italian, jbo Lojban, ka
Georgian, kn Kannada, ku Kurdish, la Latin, lv Latvian, mk Macedonian,
nl Dutch, no Norwegian, pl Polish, pt Portuguese (Brazil), pt-pt
Portuguese (European), ro Romanian, ru Russian, sk Slovak, sq Albanian,
sr Serbian, sv Swedish, sw Swahihi, ta Tamil, tr Turkish, vi Vietnamese,
zh Mandarin Chinese, zh-yue Cantonese Chinese
- There are also 7 male (+m1 +m2 +m3 +m4 +m5 +m6 +m7) and 5 female (+f1
+f2 +f3 +f4 +f5) variants for each language.
- "Web Cartoon Maker Video Codec" is now fixed and supposed to work in
Windows 7. Just to remind you, this video codec only works for Web
Cartoon Maker's Export feature. Please do not try to use it in another
applications. The AVI files encoded with this codec most likely will not
play on any other computer also. But this codec is an excellent choice
if you want to do some further video processing on the same machine. It
is lossless and compression is very good.
- Text editor now supports different input languages. Before that (due
to a bug) there were only English characters supported.
******************** HUNGARIAN / MAGYAR ********************
A Web Cartoon Maker eredetelieg egy egyszerü onlájn program volt
rajzfilmek készitésére kihegyezve, de mára egy teljesen ingyenes PC
alkalmazássá válti, mellyel teljes hosszúságú animációs filmeket AVI
formátumban lehet átalakítani, DVD vagy Blu-ray lemezre kiirni, vagy
feltölteni a YouTube-ra HD formátumban.
A Web Cartoon Maker nem a megszokott animációs eszköz: mig a legtöbb
animációs eszközzel WYSIWYG módon készitjük az animációkat, a Web
Cartoon Maker azonban egy fordító, amely rajzfilmekké forditja le az
egyszeru" C ++ szkripteket.
A Web Cartoon Maker beszédre az eSpeek SAPI 4 kompatibilis
szövegfelolvasó egységet használja, mely bár nem tökéletes, de a magyar
nyelvet is ismeri, A felolcasóhoz 7 férfi és 5 nöi beszélö karakter
A Web Cartoon Maker saját Win 7 és 64 bites verzióval is kompatibilis
video kodekkel rendelkezik. E helyett ne használjunk mást, mert a
forditó ezzel a kodekkel dolgozik.A kodek veszteségmentesen tömörit és
nagyon jó.
A szövegszerkesztö különbözö nyelvekkel használható.
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Andrey Masleyev
full library - 9950 KB:
tutorial - 5151 KB:
online helps:
Free cloud web store pace on DropBox:https://db.tt/vSBAxtbi
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